James Burnham's Projects
Below is a collection of links to a sample of my previously completed projects relating to programming, theoretical computer science, and computer hardware design.
Using AI to Detect Cheating in Chess
This is my third year dissertation project, exploring analytical cheat detection with the final report achieving a mark of 85.
Project Failure Prediction and Prevention Software
A group software engineering project for a module sponsored by Deutsche Bank, using machine learning to identify when projects are failing.
Group Project
Xamarin Mobile Inventory Management Application
A mobile application built with the Xamarin framework, keeping track of missing and stolen items from the shared kitchen in first year.
Commercial Website for a Cake Business
A website featuring an online shop for Cakes Direct From The Lodge including PayPal integration, still being maintained today.
Minimum Spanning Tree Generation in Assembly
Writing a program to generate mazes using spanning tree algorithms for my custom processor within the 512 instruction limit.
Designing a Universal Intermediate Language
URCL - a universal reduced computer language accompanied with a full compiler. Allows code for custom processors to be shared.
Group Project
Designing a custom 8-bit Processor in Terraria
Programmable using a custom assembly language, constructed in the game Terraria, completed a few months before starting university.
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